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Venture Capital Invest Community
co-invest with a focus on emerging markets
Oasis Community
/Co-invest with
All investors in our community have deals on startups in their portfolios. We have teamed up to expand our network, find validated co-investors and proven deals at different stages of startups.
Join us to co-invest in the best startups in the developing markets of India, Indonesia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Oasis is a closed community of validated investors with a track record and exclusive deals from the portfolio. Oasis co-members put skin in the game.
/it is your
the best deal validated by co-members
community members your deal
pre-approved by Oasis for co-investments
opportunity to
investment platform
We will host online and offline events where community members take deals’ presentations and discussions. Coming soon.
Event Calendar
You will have exclusive access to other investors in our community. We built a professional investment network where you can match investors and filter deals by location, startup stage, etc. As well as offer yours.
All your venture capital experience is on one page. Community members can look at your investment focus, portfolio, and exits. For you, it is easy to share and update.
Your individual Oasis profile
Easy to reach investors and choose deals to co-invest
if you are
/Join us
Representative of a venture fund
Beginner angel
business angel
to join
It is preferable to provide a reference letter from an Oasis Community member
apply to join
We strictly select applicants to ensure community members (you) are safe and free to conduct business.
With all applicants, we conduct one-on-one interviews and request:
* Only approved community members can offer a deal, so first apply to join. Then you can fill out information about the startup for co-investments within the community.
Venture capital experience
A proven track record
You are welcome to contact us with any questions.
/Contact us